Customized education and training programs are developed and provided for commercial, industrial, and government clients. Senior environmental, building, and engineering staff have developed technical courses and taught at the University of California at Berkeley; California State University at Sacramento; Duke University; and Durham North Carolina Technical College for many years.

LaCroix Davis LLC offers a range of Construction, Industrial Hygiene and Environmental training courses. The objectives of these courses are to train project managers, risk managers, insurance claims adjusters and attorneys by providing the tools they need to help minimize claims.

LaCroix Davis LLC can also develop a customer course to meet your specific needs. Our courses range from one-hour lunch overviews, to one-day seminars. We currently provide a full range of training services including:
 Air Quality Assessments

Construction Defect Lawsuits / Litigation
Defect Risk Management – for Drywall Contractors

Defect Risk Management – Satisfying Contractors' / Owners' Complaints
Lead-Based Paint

Mold Construction Defects
Mold Inspections and Assessments

Residential Construction
Stucco Defects

Understanding Building Systems for Residential and Commercial Construction
Water Intrusion Management

Windows – Let the light in, keep the water out

To submit a request for a forensic consulting evaluation and estimate, please call 916.984.1090 or e-mail 
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